4.13 Save Settings and Exit
Pressing <Enter> on this item asks for confirmation:
(C)1999 American Megatrends, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Standard CMOS Setup
Advanced CMOS Setup
Advanced Chipset Setup
Power Management Setup
Save current settings and exit (Y/N) ? Y
Change Supervisor Password
Auto Configuration with Optimal Settings
Auto Configuration with Fail Safe Settings
Save Settings and Exit
Exit Without Saving
Standard CMOS setup for changing time, date, hard disk type, etc.
ESC:Exit :Sel F2/F3: Color F10: Save & Exit
Pressing “Y” stores the selections made in the menus in CMOS – a
special section of memory that stays on after you turn your system off.
The next time you boot your computer, the BIOS configures your
system according to the Setup selections stored in CMOS. After saving
the values the system is restarted again.