RJC is sent to terminate the session in case ACK cannot be recognized.
The session can be canceled for any reason by sending an RJC. RJC can be sent by the sending device or the receiving
device. The bulk dump session is terminated immediately upon receipt of an RJC.
BSY is returned to the external device when OBS, OBR, HBS, or HBR is sent while the Instrument mode is not suitable
to perform bulk dump, etc. After BSY is received, the external device should wait until the Instrument enters a mode in
which the session is enabled.
Data Receiver Data Sender Operation
HBR → Send Request (Optional)
← HBS Data Send
(Fixed amount of time elapses)
RJC ← Timeout error
Data Receiver Data Sender Operation
HBR → Send Request (Optional)
← HBS Data Send
ACK → Acknowledge
← HBS Data Send
(Terminate operation)
RJC → Data Receive Canceled
Data Receiver Data Sender Operation
HBR → Send Request (Optional)
ACK → Acknowledge
← HBS Data Send
ACK → Acknowledge
← HBS Data Send
(Terminate operation)
← RJC Data Send Canceled
Data Receiver Data Sender Operation
OBR → Send Request
← BSY Send Rejected