Computer Viruses
Avoiding Computer Viruses
A computer virus is a program. It gets installed on your system
without you being aware of it, and can do anything from displaying
strange messages to destroying your data and other programs. A
virus can enter your system via a floppy diskette or network. Taking
the following precautions are normally sufficient to protect against
having a virus invade your system.
• Write protect the master copies of your programs and data files.
• Never open data files or run programs of unknown origin.
• Use a commercially available virus checker to check new
programs, and periodically check your system for virus
Use the latest version of a commercially available virus
checker to check your system.
An immediate virus check is recommended in the following cases.
• Check your system each time you start up your computer.
• Check any data file or program you received on a floppy diskette or
other external media, over a network, from a BBS or the Internet,
via e-mail, etc. before opening the file or running the program.