7.9 Setting Up Registry
By rewriting values in the registry it is possible to modify the default values of commands’ parameters for
communication environment, etc. However, use the command line argument (/Y) to specify the
communication line or baud rate during normal use. Use this registry setup only if the default values require
In other cases, where the drive letter definition requires modification, create the key (item) of a drive letter
and describe on the key the pathname of a device which will be defined according to the specification.
If the registry has been set up, it will be remained valid until it is modified again or the system is cold-booted
up. For a key (item) that is not set in the registry or a key (item) that has an incorrect setup the original default
value will be used.
7.9.1 Setting Up Items
Default value if the RS-232C baud rate registry has no setup :
19,200 bps
Default value if the IrDA baud rate registry has no setup :
115.2 Kbps
Default value if the communication line specification (232C= COM1 or IrDA) registry has no setup:
Default value if the drive letter definition registry has no setup value:
C \(Object Store of internal RAM)
D \Storage Card\ (storage card)
Default value if the command-to-response interval timeout registry has no setup :
30 seconds
Registry position
Key name Type Value
BAUD DWORD Baud rate
DEVNM STRING Communication line (I/O device)
DRIVE\A STRING Path of a device defined as drive a:
DRIVE\B STRING Path of a device defined as drive b:
DRIVE\C STRING Path of a device defined as drive c:
: :
DRIVE\Z STRING Path of a device defined as drive z:
Values for communication line and baud rate setups
Communication line : COM1, IrDA
Baud rate : For RS-232C; 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
: For IrDA; Setting of baud rate cannot be allowed.
Only the above permitted baud rates can be set. Setting with other baud rate can cause the default
value to be set.
Path to device
A path to a device should be specified by the directory name to which the device is assigned.
Example: Object Store of the internal RAM \
PC card or compact flash \Storage Card\