
Operation Guide 2632/2805
To interpret the Fishing/Hunting Time Mode screen
Use D to enter the Fishing/Hunting Time Mode. When you do, the display
automatically cycles through the fishing/hunting times for the current date (as kept in
the Timekeeping Mode), starting from the upper transit time.
Level indicator
2 seconds
Time number
time graph
The time numbers indicate the following:
upper transit time,
west transit time,
lower transit time,
east transit time.
Fishing/hunting times are rounded off to the nearest five minutes.
If any fishing/hunting time falls outside of the 24-hour period that constitutes the
current date,
is displayed in place of the time.
The level indicator shows the relative favorability of a fishing/hunting time
(calculated in accordance with Moon transit and phase) as shown in the table below.
These indicators actually appear during Moon ages 12.1 to 15.7 (Full Moon and phase
immediately preceding it) and 26.9 to 0.9 (New Moon and phase immediately preceding it).
With Module 2805, the level indicator is .
The fishing/hunting time graph indicates favorable
periods using segments, each of which represents
30 minutes.
The upper transit and the lower transit periods extend
from the point one hour prior to the transit up to the
point one hour after the transit. The east and west
transit periods extend from the point 30 minutes prior to
the transit up to the point 30 minutes after the transit.
The fishing/hunting times and graph are refreshed at
midnight each day.
If you suspect that a fishing/hunting time is not correct
for some reason, check the Timekeeping Mode data
(current time, date, and Home Site settings), and make
changes as required.
Sunrise/Sunset Mode
You can use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode to look up the
sunrise and sunset times, as well as the Moon phase and
Moon age at the Home Site on a particular date.
To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular date
1.Use D to enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode.
The sunrise and sunset times that appear first when
you enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode is the data for the
Home Site and the date currently specified in the
Timekeeping Mode.
2.Use E (+) and B (–) to scroll through the dates.
Displaying a different date causes an animated pattern
to play in the graphic area, indicating that the watch is
performing internal calculations. This process can
continue for as long as 15 seconds. Wait until the
animated pattern stops before performing any other
button operation.
See “Moon Phase Indicator” for information about the Moon phase indicator.
You can select any date from 2000 to 2039.
The daylight graph indicates daytime and nighttime in
accordance with the sunrise and sunset times
calculated by the watch.
If you suspect that a sunrise/sunset time is not correct
or if the daylight graph does not appear for some
reason, check the Timekeeping Mode data (current
time, date, and Home Site settings), and make changes
as required. If the daylight graph does not appear, it
could indicate a problem with the GMT differential or
longitude setting.
The sunrise and sunset times displayed by this watch
are times at sea level. Sunrise and sunset times are
different at altitudes other than sea level.
Sunrise and sunset times, and the contents of the daylight graph refresh each day at
Sunrise and sunset times are rounded off to the nearest five minutes.
Normally, actual sunrise and sunset times change very
little from day to day. Sometimes, however, the watch
may show a change of as much as five minutes from
one day to the next. Note that this is because the watch
calculates sunrise and sunset times, and then rounds
the result to the nearest five minutes. It does not
indicate malfunction of the watch.
Sunrise and sunset time calculations are accurate within
about five minutes. At north or south latitudes greater
than 50 degrees, however, accuracy is within about
10 minutes.
Time Memo
The Time Memo feature of your watch lets you create up to 40 time memos, each of
which includes a memo number, as well as the time, date, Moon phase indicator, and
the fishing/hunting level indicator at the point when the time memo is recorded. You
can create time memos to keep track of how many fish you catch or how much game
you bag, as well at the date, time, and Moon phase.
Time memos are automatically sorted chronologically on their date and time fields.
You can recall time memos by scrolling through them on the display.
You can create a time memo while in any mode. However, you cannot create a time
memo while a setting screen is on the display.
Use the Recall Mode to recall and delete time memos.
Each memo date shows the month and day only.
To create a time memo
In any mode, hold down C for about two seconds until
the memo number and memo time flash on the display.
When you initially press C, the memo number and
memo time appear on the display. Keep C depressed
until they start flashing. Note that no time memo is
created if you release C while the memo number and
memo time are not flashing.
The memo number and memo time flash for about two
seconds, and then the display changes to the screen
that was displayed before you pressed C.
Note that you cannot create a time memo if the current
time is midnight or while the watch is performing a
calculation operation.
Creating a time memo while memory is full deletes the oldest time memo and stores
the new one.
Memo numbers restart from
#0[ with each new day. Because of this, you can use
memo numbers to count how many fish you catch or how much game you bag.
Memos are numbered starting from
#0[. If you record more than 99 memos, the
100th memo is numbered
#00, and subsequent memo numbering continues in
sequence (
#0[, #02, etc.) after that.
Note that the memo number count is reset to
#0[ only when the Timekeeping
Mode reaches midnight as a function of normal timekeeping. The count will not be
reset if you scroll past midnight while changing the Timekeeping Mode current time
Managing Time Memos
Use the Recall Mode to recall and delete time memos. Use D to enter the Recall
Entering the Recall Mode initially displays the last time memo you created.
Performing the time memo delete operation deletes all time memos currently in
memory. Note that you cannot delete time memos individually.
Having the watch’s battery replaced will cause all time memos currently in memory
to be deleted. Make sure you always keep separate copies of important data.
Upper (Hour Angle = 0h)
Lower (Hour Angle = 12h)
West (Hour Angle = 6h)
East (Hour Angle = 18h)
New moon
Full moon
First quarter
Last quarter
0:00 (12:00 AM)
(6:00 PM)
6:00 AM
12:00 (12:00 PM)
To view fishing/hunting times and Moon data for a particular date
In the Fishing/Hunting Time Mode, use E (+) and B (–)
to display the date whose fishing/hunting time, Moon
phase, and Moon age you want to view.
Displaying a different date causes an animated pattern
to play in the graphic area, indicating that the watch is
performing internal calculations. This process can
continue for as long as 15 seconds. Wait until the
animated pattern stops before performing any other
button operation.
You can select any date from 2000 to 2039.
Day of week
Fishing/Hunting Time Alarm
While the fishing/hunting time alarm is turned on, the watch performs a beeper or
vibrator alert operation for about five seconds whenever a favorable fishing/hunting
period is approached.
The fishing/hunting alert operation is performed the first time the watch minutes
reach 00 or 30 after a favorable fishing/hunting period is entered.
To stop an alert operation, press any button.
For full details about the alert operation, see “Selecting the Alert Type”.
Note that the fishing/hunting time alarm is disabled when any one of the following
conditions exists.
While setting the current time or Home Site data
While the watch is performing internal calculations (indicated by the animated pattern playing
in the graphic area)
While the watch is in the process of changing fishing/hunting time data at midnight each day
To turn the fishing/hunting time alarm on and off
1.Use D to enter the Timekeeping Mode.
2.Hold down B for about two seconds to toggle the
fishing/hunting alarm on (
displayed) and off (
not displayed).
With Module 2805, the indicator is
indicator flashes while a fishing/hunting time
alert operation is in progress.
indicator is displayed in all modes while the
alarm is turned on.
Selecting the Alert Type
You can select either beeper or vibrator as the alert for the fishing/hunting time alarm,
daily alarm, weekly alarm, and Hourly Time Signal.
Nearby very magnetic force can cause the watch’s vibration alert to become weak or
even fail to operate entirely.
To switch between vibration alert and beeper alert
1.Use D to enter the Timekeeping Mode.
2.Hold down E for about two seconds to toggle between
vibration alert (VIB displayed) and beeper alert (VIB not
The watch performs the newly selected alert operation
whenever you perform the above procedure to switch
between vibration alert and beeper alert.
The vibration alert on indicator (VIB) is displayed in all
Day of
Moon phase indicator
Moon age
Daylight graph
Sunrise time
Sunset time
0:00 (12:00 AM)
Sunrise Sunset
(6:00 PM)
6:00 AM
12:00 (12:00
Daylight Graph
Date Sunset Time
Memo number
Memo time