PART 5 Calculator Functions
The SF Unit also gives you the capability to perform all of the mathematical
operations available on today’s calculators.
Conversion modes describe functions for converting between three national
currencies, or between metric and yard denomination.
PART 6 Data Communications
The data communications capabilities of the SF Unit let you transfer data
between two SF Units, or between the SF Unit and a personal computer.
PART 7 Technical Reference
This part of the manual provides technical information on troubleshooting,
user maintenance, specifications, etc.
Manual conventions
This manual uses the following conventions when mentioning key operations
and functions within text.
• Keys are indicated using upper-case bold characters
• When a key has more than one function, only the function under discussion
at that time will be noted. With the ON/OFF key, for example, ON will be used
to indicate switching the SF Unit on, while
OFF will be used to indicate
switching the SF Unit off.
• Text that appears on the display of the unit is represented in this manual using
a font that is different from the explanatory text. The display text “NAME?” for
example represented as: NAME?.
• Note that operation of this unit’s
SHIFT key is different from that normally
found on a computer’s keyboard. For the operation
SHIFT .com, for example,
you should not hold down the
SHIFT key while you press .com. Instead, you
should press and then release the
SHIFT key, and then press the .com key.
Manual conventions