About this manual...
This manual explains function and operations when any one of the following devices is
connected to the USB port of the CASIO XJ-S38/XJ-S48/XJ-S58/XJ-S68 Data Projector.
USB memory device or USB card reader
CASIO Multi Projection Camera (YC-400/YC-430)
CASIO Graphing Calculator (fx-9860G Series)
For information about functions and operations when a YW-2 Wireless Adapter is
connected to the Data Projector’s USB port, see page 6 of this manual and the user
documentation on the CD-ROM that comes with the separate YW-2L* Wireless Adapter.
* The YW-2L comes packaged with a YW-2 Wireless Adapter and the Wireless
Connection 2 software for your computer.
Terms and Conventions
In this manual, there are many procedures that require parallel operations on the Data
Projector and your computer. The following are special terms and conventions used in this
manual to differentiate between the Data Projector and computer.
• projection area
This is the entire rectangular area that is projected by the Data Projector. Certain Data
Projector operations will cause messages and menus to appear within the projection
• computer screen
This is the physical display device of your computer.