O Total Distance
Continuously counted until the battery wears down. The increment is 0.1 mile [km] from the 0.0 to
9999.9 range, and 1 mile [km] from the 10,000 to 99,999 range.
0.0 - 99.999 miles [km]
M Maximum Speed
Displays the maximum instantaneous speed. With Reset operation, it returns to zero.
0.0 (3.0) - 65.9 mile/h [0.0 (4.0) - 105.9 km/h]
A Average Speed
Displays the average speed from the start to the current point. With Reset operation, it returns to
zero. When the elapsed time exceeds 27:46'39", or the trip distance exceeds 999.99 mile [km], it
stops calculation of average speed and displays (.E).
0.0 - 65.9 mile/h [0.0 - 105.9 km/h]
D Trip Distance
Displays the distance from the start to the current point. With Reset operation, it returns to zero.
0.00 - 999.99 mile [km]
T Elapsed Time
Displays the time from the start to the current point, in units of hours, minutes and seconds. With
Reset operation, it returns to zero.
0:00'00" - 9:59'59"
12-Hour Clock
Displays the present time.
CAL Calorie Consumption
Estimates and displays the calorie consumption from the start to the current point, while Wireless
Heart Rate Sensor is attached. With Reset operation, it returns to zero.
0.0 - 9999.9 kcal