External computer control via an RS232C terminal
If you connect the optional "RS232C Communication Kit," the Ergo-
ciser™ can communicate with an external computer.
Specifically, you can write a program with an external computer in
Basic or in another computer language, and operate the Ergociser™
EC-3700 according to the written procedure. Any instructions input
by the buttons on the EC-3700 control unit can be input from the ex-
ternal computer, and the EC-3700 sends data to an external computer
every second. Since command signals are in ASCII character code,
any computer that generates these codes can be used, receiving and
transmitting via the RS232C terminal.
Transmission Format
Communication speed (baud rate) 2400
Data bit length 8 bit
Stop bit 1 bit
Parity check none
XON / XOFF control none
SI/SO control none
Contents of Data Transmission from the EC-3700
The EC-3700 outputs display data in character code, continuously
when you set exercise conditions and once per second when you are
exercising. Since the contents of the LCD differs according to setting
exercise conditions and during exercise, the content of data output
also differs.
1) Setting Exercise Conditions
Address Data Function
1 A code Hexadecimal 41H
2 3 digit numeric Set wattage (Isopower Training)
5 1 digit numeric Exercise pattern (Interval Training)
6 3 digit numeric Target pulse rate (Auto Training)
9 1 digit numeric Sex (male:"1", female:"0")
10 1 digit numeric Exercise pattern (Hill Profile Training)
11 2 digit numeric Set torque x 10
13 3 digit numeric Weight (Aerobic Power Measurement)
16 2 digit numeric Target time (minutes)
18 3 digit numeric Pulse limit value
21 2 digit numeric Age
23 CR code Hexadecimal 0DH
2) During Exercise
Address Data Function
1 B code Hexadecimal 42H
2 4 digit numeric Elapsed time 2 digits = "minute"
2 digits = "second"
6 4 digit numeric Calorie consumption
10 3 digit numeric Wattage
13 2 digit numeric Pedal torque x 10
External computer control via an RS232C terminal
15 3 digit numeric Pulse rate
18 3 digit numeric Pedal cadence
21 1 digit numeric Aerobic power measurement result: PFL
22 2 digit numeric Aerobic power measurement result: MOU
24 3 digit numeric
Aerobic power measurement result: PWC max.
27 3 digit numeric Set wattage (Isopower training)
30 2 digit numeric
Lowest 2 digits of addition value of data address 2 ~ 29
32 CR code Hexadecimal 0DH
Note: "0" is displayed in each digit for the 3 types of aerobic power
measurement results, until the program is completed.
1) During Setting Exercise Conditions
When exercise conditions are being set, you can send data in a "char-
acter code + numeric code + CR code" format (shown in example
below) from an external computer, setting your exercise conditions.
Example) "K6CR" : Selects Auto Training
Character Code Function
A Age (up to 2 digits)
B Pulse limit value (up to 3 digits)
C Target time (up to 2 digits)
D Weight (up to 3 digits)
E Set torque x 10 (2 digits)
F Exercise pattern (Hill Profile Training)
G Sex (male: "1", female: "0")
H Target pulse rate (up to 3 digits)
I Set wattage (up to 3 digits)
J Exercise pattern (Interval Training)
K Exercise program
1: Aerobic Power Measurement
2: Manual Training
3: Hill Profile Training
4: Interval Training
5: Isopower Training
6: Auto Training
L Reset torque during exercise x 10 (2 digits)
2) During Exercise
By using the following character codes for button operation, you can
externally control the program during exercise.
Example) Sending "i CR" during Manual Training
–> increases pedal resistance (torque) 0.1 kg•m
Character Code Function
r RESET button
g ADV button
i + 1 button
d – 1 button
See the instruction manual for the optional "RS232C Communication
Kit" for details.
Externally Controlling the EC-3700