20 30 40
Pulse rate (bpm)
Exercise level
Automatic setting of target pulse rate
Target pulse range for those who have
undergone special training
Target pulse range for those who have
undergone special training
Training goals
• Have you ever been out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs or after a brisk
walk? When we are walking, running and even sleeping, our body is taking in
oxygen and generating energy. Oxygen taken in by the lungs is sent to the entire
body via the circulatory system. If the function of the circulatory system , i.e.
aerobic power, is insufficient, we may experience being "out of breath" or expe-
rience yet other physical problems.
• We therefore perform "sports for the heart" (aerobic exercise), which causes the
heart to work a little more a few times a week, thus increasing the oxygen supply
to the body via the circulatory system. The purpose of exercise with the EC-C400
Ergometer is to improve both your physical strength and the functioning of the
circulatory system: to improve our aerobic power.
Training plan
• To effectively perform "sports for the heart" and to improve your aerobic power,
it is necessary to exercise according to your age and physical fitness. If exercise
exceeds your physical fitness level you only injure your body. On the other hand,
if the exercise is insufficient, a positive effect cannot be expected.
•The EC-C400 Ergometer has 6 types of computer-controlled programs. One pro-
gram is the "Fitness Test program". This test program evaluates your physical
fitness level, while the other 5 programs are for actual exercise.
• The "Fitness Test" evaluates your physical fitness level so that you can determine
the training index and begin exercise based on the measured result. After exer-
cising for a while (about 3 months), you become aware of the effect on your body.
Test your physical fitness level again and gradually set a higher training index,
thus maintaining and improving your physical fitness level. A special feature of
the EC-C400 Ergometer is that it combines testing with exercise.
Exercise Frequency and Time
• At least 15 minutes are required for one exercise period, however if pos-
sible a 20 ~ 30 minute period is even better.
• To maintain your present condition, exercise at lease twice a week, 3 times
a week would improve your condition even more. The ideal however is to
exercise every day or 5 ~ 6 times a week.
Fitness Test
Exercise Planning