Looking at or near the sun will cause instant and irreversible damage
to your eye. Eye damage is often painless, so there is no warning to
the observer that damage has occurred until it is too late. Do not point
the binocular at or near the sun.Children should always have adult
supervision while observing...............................................................
Never use a VistaPix to look at the sun !
Adjustment of eye-relief for eyeglass wearers
Fold do wn the ru bber eyec ups and p la ce them again st your gla ss es to
get the best vie win g result .
How To Use Your Binocular
Adjusting the eyepieces
The dis tance b etween y our eyes is calle d in ter pu pilla ry dis tance.
The in ter pupilla ry dis tance is dif fe rent from one pe rson to an other.
It is im porta nt to adju st to you r in ter pu pilla ry dis tance b efore usin g
your Vis taPix :
- Hold Vis taPix fir mly in the n ormal vie win g po sit io n.
- A dju st the ba rrels by p ushin g togeth er or pullin g a part unt il you see a
sin gle cir cle fie ld wit h bo th of you r eyes.
Focusing the Binocular
1. Set t he Dio pte r Knob on u ndersid e of Vis taPix a t it scen ter
Poin t betwee n + and - .
2. Choo se an obje ct tha t is 10met ers(30 ft) away.
3. Look in g wit h ju st you r le ft eye , rotate t he Cente r Focus K nob until
the ob je ct you ar e vie win g is in be st focus .
4. Look in g wit h ju st you r rig ht ey e, rotat e the Dio pter Kno b until t he
obje ct you ar e vie win g is in be st focus.
5. Vie win g y our obje ct wit h both ey es, turn t he Cente r Focus Kn ob to
brin g it in bes t focus.