Filter, Light Pollution Reduction –LPR (#94126A) - These filters are designed to enhance your views of deep sky
astronomical objects when viewed from urban areas. LPR Filters selectively reduce the transmission of certain wavelengths
of light, specifically those produced by artificial lights. This includes mercury and high and low pressure sodium vapor
lights. In addition, they also block unwanted natural light (sky glow) caused by neutral oxygen emission in our atmosphere.
Filter, Moon (#94119-A) - Celestron’s Moon Filter is an economical eyepiece filter for reducing the
brightness of the moon and improving contrast, so greater detail can be observed on the lunar surface.
The clear aperture is 21mm and the transmission is about 18%.
Polarizing Filter Set (#93608) - The polarizing filter set limits the transmission of light to a specific
plane, thus increasing contrast between various objects. This is used primarily for terrestrial, lunar and
planetary observing.
PowerTank (#18774) – 12v 7Amp hour rechargeable power supply. Comes with two
12v output cigarette outlets, built-in red flash light , Halogen emergency spotlight. AC
adapter and cigarette lighter adapter included.
RS-232 Cable (#93920) – Allows your NexStar telescope to be controlled using a
laptop computer or PC. Once connected, the NexStar can be controlled using popular
astronomy software programs.
Sky Maps (#93722) - Celestron Sky Maps are the ideal teaching guide for learning the
night sky. You wouldn’t set off on a road trip without a road map, and you don’t need
to try to navigate the night sky without a map either. Even if you already know your
way around the major constellations, these maps can help you locate all kinds of
fascinating objects.
T-adapter (#93625) - A T-Adapter allows you to attach your 35mm SLR camera to the prime focus of your telescope.
Universal 1¼" T-Adapter. Fits (drop in style) any type of telescope that uses a 1¼" focuser or visual back.
Vibration Suppression Pads (#93503) - These pads rest between the ground and tripod feet of your telescope. They
reduce the amplitude and vibration time of your telescope when shaken by the wind or an accidental bump.
A full description of all Celestron accessories can be found in the Celestron Accessory Catalog (#93685)
or visit our web site at www.celestron.com
LPR Filter - #94126A