
your C5 into a 1250mm telephoto lens perfect for terrestrial photography and
short exposure lunar photography.
T-Ring - The T-Ring couples your 35mm SLR camera body to the T-Adapter,
radial guider, or tele-extender. This accessory is mandatory if you want to do
photography through the telescope. Each camera make (i.e., Minolta, Nikon,
Pentax, etc.) has its own unique mount and therefore, its own T-Ring. Celestron
has 8 different models for 35mm cameras.
Vibration Suppression Pads (#93503) - These pads rest between the ground and
tripod feet. They reduce the amplitude and vibration time of your telescope when
shaken by the wind or an accidental bump. This accessory is a must for long
exposure prime focus photography.
A full description of all Celestron accessories can be found in the Celestron
accessory catalog (#93685).