
Black plate (8,1)
Chevrolet Corvette Owner Manual - 2011
9-8 Driving and Operating
If the vehicle is used for racing or
other competitive driving, the rear
axle fluid temperatures may be
higher than would occur in normal
driving. We recommend that the
rear axle fluid be drained and
refilled with new fluid after every
24 hours of racing or competitive
driving. See Recommended Fluids
and Lubricants on page 116 for
what fluid to use.
ZR1 Brake Burnish Procedure
Notice: These procedures are
specific to the ZR1 with ceramic
brake rotors. These procedures
should not be run on other
Corvette models as damage
may result.
Notice: The new vehicle breakin
period should be completed
before performing the brake
burnish procedure or damage
may occur to the powertrain/
engine. See New Vehicle Break-In
on page 918.
When performed as instructed,
these procedures will not damage
the brakes. During the burnishing
procedure, the brake pads will
smoke and produce an odor.
The braking force and pedal travel
may increase. After the procedure
is complete, the brake pads may
appear white at the rotor contact.
Street High Performance Brake
Burnishing Procedure
Run this procedure in a safe
manner and in compliance with all
local and state ordinances/laws
regarding motor vehicle operation.
Run this procedure only on dry
1. From a stop, accelerate as
rapidly as possible without
activating traction control to
a speed of 97 kph (60 mph).
2. Use enough pedal force to
completely stop the vehicle in
4 to 5 seconds. If ABS activates,
braking is too hard.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2, 5 times.
This should take about
10 minutes.
4. After completing the 50 stops,
cool the brakes by driving
for 8 km (5 miles) at 97 kph
(60 mph).
As with all high performance brake
systems, some amount of brake
squeal is normal.
Racing/Track Brake Burnish
To prepare the ZR1 brake system
for track events and racing, the
Street High Performance Brake
Burnish as described previously
should be completed.
In addition to completing the Street
High Performance Brake Burnishing
Procedure, the following additional
procedure needs to be completed to
make the ZR1 brake system ready
for track events and racing.
This procedure should only be
run on a track and only on dry