
Problem Cause Corrective Action
Main power feed off Turn on main power
Circuit breaker off Turn on circuit breaker
A Power light off Control transformer
Primary fuse blown Replace fuse
Secondary fuse blown Replace fuse
Transformer bad Check and/or replace
Pilot light blown Replace bulb
Float switch open Add oil to system
B Power light on, pump will not start
If no float switch, jumper terminals 4 & 5
Motor overloads tripped Reset overloads, check running current
Motor starter bad Check motor starter coil
Power light on, pump light on, motor
Motor fuse blown Replace fuse, check motor overloads
not running
Motor burned out Replace motor, check motor for overload
Broken belt Check and replace belt
Power light on, pump light on, motor
Broken coupling Check and replace coupling
running, pump not running Turn off system and rotate pump by hand
Pump jammed by slag or foreign object if jammed, disassemble and clean pump.
Check and clean strainer.
Power light on, pump light on,
Control relay #1 not closed See M
E motor running, pump running heat Heat on-off switch in off position Turn switch to on
will not come on
Process control ITC-1 set too low Set process control to desired temperature
See items, pump noisy, see O;
No oil flow insufficient suction pressure, see J:
high discharge pressure, see K
F Insufficient heat Process piping too small or restricted Check process piping, check heat transfer
area of platen, etc.
Heater fuses blown Check and replace fuses
Heater elements burned out Check continuity and resistance of
Excessive operating pressure over See K
40 psig
Packing gland loose Check and adjust packing gland nuts per
manufacturer’s recommendations
G Pump packing gland leaking Use mechanical seals or sealless pumps
Wrong pump specified
where no oil leaks can be tolerated
Mechanical seals on pumps should be
water cooled over 350°F.
Improper cooling of seals
Failure to do so will cause seal failure
and leaks.
Check piping and flange alignment
H System leaks when filling Rough handling during shipment retighten and torque all bolts to
Expansion and contraction due to Check all flange bolts and connections
temperature has loosened connections retighten and torque to manufacturer’s
System leaks at temperature and after
cool down
Wrong gasket materials Replace gaskets as necessary, use spiral
wound or Grafoil