
To Vary the Speed Setting
When the Electronic Speed Control is set, you can in-
crease speed by pushing up and holding the RESUME
ACCEL lever. If the lever is continually held in the
RESUME ACCEL position, the set speed will continue to
increase until the lever is released, then the new set speed
will be established.
Tapping RESUME ACCEL once will result ina1mph
(1.6 km/h) speed increase. Each time the Electronic
Speed Control lever is tapped, speed increases so that
tapping the Electronic Speed Control lever three times
will increase speed by 3 mph (4.8 km/h), etc.
To decrease speed while the Electronic Speed Control is
set, push down and hold the SET DECEL lever. If the
lever is continually held in the SET DECEL position, the
set speed will continue to decrease until the lever is
released. Release the lever when the desired speed is
reached, and the new set speed will be established.
Tapping the SET DECEL lever once will result ina1mph
(1.6 km/h) speed decrease. Each time the lever is tapped,
speed decreases.
Manual Transmission
Pressing the clutch pedal will disengage the Electronic
Speed Control. Aslight increase in engine RPM before the
Electronic Speed Control disengages is normal.
Vehicles equipped with manual transmissions may need
to be shifted into a lower gear to climb hills without
speed loss.