Programming Manual
Configure Your FuzzyScan
Bar Code Programming Menu
The FuzzyScan bar code commands are specially designed
Proprietary bar code labels which allow you to set the
FuzzyScan internal programming parameters. There are
System Command, Family Code and Option Code for
programming purpose.
Each programmable family and bar code command label is
listed on the same page with major system commands. The
detailed explanations and special programming flowchart are
printed on facing or following pages. You can read the
explanation and set the FuzzyScan concurrently.
A supplemental bar code command menu incorporates the
bar code command labels of System Command and Option
Code. As you set the FuzzyScan, open the bar code
command menu to find the option code page. You may scan
the desired family code and option code to set FuzzyScan. If
you want to change the programming family for multiple
settings, you need only turn over the programming page to
find next desired programming family.
System Command
System CommandSystem Command
System Command
The System Command is the highest level bar code
command which directs FuzzyScan to perform immediate
operations, such as entering programming mode
(PROGRAM), exiting programming mode (EXIT), listing
system information (SYSLIST), recovering to factory
preset configurations (M_DEFAULT) and so on. Please
note that all system commands will take a few seconds to
complete the operations. User must wait for the
completion beeps before scanning another bar code.
Family Code
Family CodeFamily Code
Family Code
The Family Code is scanned to select the user desired
programming family. FuzzyScan has already provided
more than one hundred programming families to meet any
specific requirements.
Option Code
Option CodeOption Code
Option Code
The Option Codes is a set of bar code commands
represented by “0–9”, “A–F” and finishing selection (FIN).
For most setting, you must select at least one option code
following the family code selection to set the desired
parameter for the selected programming family.