24 TN3270 Server Commands
Use the idle-time TN3270 configuration command to specify how many seconds of LU inactivity,
from both host and client, before the TN3270 session is disconnected. Use the no form of this
command to cancel the idle time period and return to the default.
idle-time seconds
no idle-time
Syntax Description
The default in TN3270 configuration mode is that the session is never disconnected (0).
The default in PU configuration mode is the value currently configured in TN3270 configuration
Command Modes
TN3270 configuration
PU configuration
Usage Guidelines
The idle-time command can be entered in either TN3270 configuration mode or PU configuration
mode. A value entered in TN3270 mode applies to all PUs for that TN3270 server, except as
overridden by values entered in PU configuration mode.
A no idle-time command entered in PU configuration mode will restore the idle-time value entered
in TN3270 command mode.
The idle-time command affects currently active and future TN3270 sessions. For example, if the
idle-time value isreduced from900 secondsto600 seconds,sessions thathave beenidlefor between
600 and 900 seconds are immediately disconnected.
Note Forthe purposesof idle-timelogic, TIMING-MARKsgeneratedby thekeepalivelogic donot
constitute “activity.”
The following command sets an idle-time disconnect value of 10 minutes:
idle-time 600
The following command entered in TN3270 configuration mode sets the default idle-time
disconnect value to 0, or never disconnect:
no idle-time
seconds Number of seconds, from 0 to 65535. A value of 0 means
the session is never disconnected.