Chapter 1 Overview
Introducing the Cisco Video Surveillance System
Cisco Video Surveillance Manager Getting Started Guide, Release 4.2/6.2
provide additional overview information about each component. Your IP network
may also include switches, routers, servers, and other network infrastructure
hardware and software components.
Cisco VSM
Cisco VSM comprises a suite of software modules that function with other
devices in an IP network to support video transmission, monitoring, recording,
archiving, and display. In addition, VSM provides a comprehensive set of features
and functions for configuring, administering, managing, and performing
day-to-day operations of a video surveillance solution.
The VSM software components include the following:
Ta b l e 1-5 Cisco Video Surveillance System Components
Component and Reference Description Provided By
Cisco VSM, page 1-8. A suite of software components
that enable configuration,
administration, management,
and operation of video
surveillance solutions.
Cisco Multi Services Platform,
page 1-9.
Servers that run VSM software
and provide video recording
and storage.
Cameras, page 1-10. Available as analog or IP
devices, cameras capture video
surveillance that you can view
and record.
Cisco or
third parties.
Video Encoders, page 1-10. Process incoming video signals
from analog cameras and
convert them to IP video
Cisco or
third parties.
Client PCs, page 1-10. VSOM client PCs provide
access the VSOM web-based
interface. VSVM client PCs
provide access to and control of
live and recorded video.