Cisco Access Registrar 3.5 Concepts and Reference Guide
Chapter 5 Understanding SNMP
SNMP Traps
carOtherAuthServerNotResponding indicates that an authentication server is not responding to a
request sent from this server. This trap has three objects:
• radiusAuthServerAddress—indicates the identity of the concerned server
• radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber—indicates the port number of the concerned server
• carAuthServerType—indicates the type of the concerned server
The index of these three objects identifies the entry in radiusAuthServerTable and carAccServerExtTable
which maintains the characteristics of the concerned server.
Note One should not rely solely on carOtherAuthServerNotResponding for server state. Several conditions,
including a restart of the Cisco AR server, could result in either multiple
carOtherAuthServerNotResponding notifications being sent or in a carOtherAuthServerResponding
notification not being sent. NMS can query the carAuthServerRunningState in carAuthServerExtTable
for the current running state of this server.
carOtherAuthServerResponding signifies that an authentication server which had formerly been in a
down state is now responding to requests from the Cisco AR server. This trap has three objects:
• radiusAuthServerAddress—indicates the identity of the concerned server
• radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber—indicates the port number of the concerned server
• carAuthServerType—indicates the type of the concerned server
The index of these three objects identifies the entry in radiusAuthServerTable and carAccServerExtTable
which maintains the characteristics of the concerned server.
One should not rely on receiving this notification as an indication that all is well with the network.
Several conditions, including a restart of the Cisco AR server, could result in either multiple
carOtherAuthServerNotResponding notifications being sent or in a carOtherAuthServerResponding
notification not being sent. The NMS can query the carAuthServerRunningState in
carAuthServerExtTable for the current running state of this server.
carOtherAuthServerNotResponding signifies that an accounting server is not responding to the
requests sent from this server. This trap has three objects:
• radiusAccServerAddress—indicates the identity of the concerned server
• radiusAccClientServerPortNumber—indicates the port number of the concerned server
• carAcchServerType—indicates the type of the concerned server
The index of these three objects identifies the entry in radiusAuthServerTable and arAccServerExtTable
which maintains the characteristics of the concerned server.
One should not solely rely on this for server state. Several conditions, including the restart of the Cisco
AR server, could result in either multiple carOtherAccServerNotResponding notifications being sent or
in a carOtherAccServerResponding notification not being sent. The NMS can query the
carAccServerRunningState in carAccServerExtTable for current running state of this server.