Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 28 Using Protection Tools
Configuring IP Audit for Basic IPS Support
1002 400002 IP options-Timestamp Informational Triggers on receipt of an IP datagram where
the IP option list for the datagram includes
option 4 (Timestamp).
1003 400003 IP options-Security Informational Triggers on receipt of an IP datagram where
the IP option list for the datagram includes
option 2 (Security options).
1004 400004 IP options-Loose Source Route Informational Triggers on receipt of an IP datagram where
the IP option list for the datagram includes
option 3 (Loose Source Route).
1005 400005 IP options-SATNET ID Informational Triggers on receipt of an IP datagram where
the IP option list for the datagram includes
option 8 (SATNET stream identifier).
1006 400006 IP options-Strict Source Route Informational Triggers on receipt of an IP datagram in
which the IP option list for the datagram
includes option 9(Strict Source Routing).
1100 400007 IP Fragment Attack Attack Triggers when any IP datagram is received
with an offset value less than 5 but greater
than 0 indicated in the offset field.
1102 400008 IP Impossible Packet Attack Triggers when an IP packet arrives with
source equal to destination address. This
signature will catch the so-called Land
1103 400009 IP Overlapping Fragments (Teardrop) Attack Triggers when two fragments contained
within the same IP datagram have offsets that
indicate that they share positioning within the
datagram. This could mean that fragment A is
being completely overwritten by fragment B,
or that fragment A is partially being
overwritten by fragment B. Some operating
systems do not properly handle fragments that
overlap in this manner and may throw
exceptions or behave in other undesirable
ways upon receipt of overlapping fragments,
which is how the Teardrop attack works to
create a DoS.
2000 400010 ICMP Echo Reply Informational Triggers when a IP datagram is received with
the protocol field of the IP header set to 1
(ICMP) and the type field in the ICMP header
set to 0 (Echo Reply).
2001 400011 ICMP Host Unreachable Informational Triggers when an IP datagram is received
with the protocol field of the IP header set to
1 (ICMP) and the type field in the ICMP
header set to 3 (Host Unreachable).
Table 28-1 Signature IDs and System Message Numbers (continued)
Number Signature Title Signature Type Description