Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Information About Cisco Unified
Communications Proxy Features
This chapter describes how to configure the adaptive security appliance for Cisco Unified
Communications Proxy features.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Information About the Adaptive Security Appliance in Cisco Unified Communications, page 15-1
• TLS Proxy Applications in Cisco Unified Communications, page 15-3
• Licensing for Cisco Unified Communications Proxy Features, page 15-4
Information About the Adaptive Security Appliance in Cisco
Unified Communications
This section describes the Cisco UC Proxy features on the Cisco ASA 5500 series appliances. The
purpose of a proxy is to terminate and reoriginate connections between a client and server. The proxy
delivers a range of security functions such as traffic inspection, protocol conformance, and policy control
to ensure security for the internal network. An increasingly popular function of a proxy is to terminate
encrypted connections in order to apply security policies while maintaining confidentiality of
connections. The Cisco ASA 5500 Series appliances are a strategic platform to provide proxy functions
for unified communications deployments.
The Cisco UC Proxy includes the following solutions:
Phone Proxy: Secure remote access for Cisco encrypted endpoints, and VLAN traversal for Cisco softphones
The phone proxy feature enables termination of Cisco SRTP/TLS-encrypted endpoints for secure remote
access. The phone proxy allows large scale deployments of secure phones without a large scale VPN
remote access hardware deployment. End-user infrastructure is limited to just the IP endpoint, without
VPN tunnels or hardware.
The Cisco adaptive security appliance phone proxy is the replacement product for the Cisco Unified
Phone Proxy. Additionally, the phone proxy can be deployed for voice/data VLAN traversal for
softphone applications. Cisco IP Communicator (CIPC) traffic (both media and signaling) can be
proxied through the ASA, thus traversing calls securely between voice and data VLANs.
For information about the differences between the TLS proxy and phone proxy, go to the following URL
for Unified Communications content, including TLS Proxy vs. Phone Proxy white paper: