Cisco Video Surveillance 2500 Series IP Camera User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Setup Windows
Advanced Setup Window
The Advanced Setup window provides options for configuring various network and protocol settings for
the IP camera.
To display the Advanced Setup window, access the configuration windows as described in the
“Accessing the IP Camera Windows” section on page 2-6, click Setup, then click Advanced Setup.
If you change any options in the Advanced Setup window, you must click Save to save the changes. To
discard the changes, click Cancel before clicking Save. These buttons appear at the bottom of the
window. You may need to scroll down to see them.
Table 3-4 describes the options in the Advanced Setup window.
Region Option Choose the region in which the IP camera operates. The region determines
which channels the wireless IP camera uses to communicate with an access
Options are:
• Americas—Causes the IP camera to communicate with an access point
on channels 1 through 11.
• EMEA/Asia—Causes the IP camera to communicate with an access
point on channels 1 through 13.
• Custom—Causes the IP camera to communicate with an access point on
the channels that you specify. Use this option to customize channel
communication settings for your area. When you choose this option, 13
channel check boxes appear. Check the check boxes that correspond to
the channels that you want.
Table 3-3 Wireless Setup Window Options (continued)
Option Description
Ta b l e 3-4 Advanced Setup Window Options
Option Description
Enable CDP (Cisco
Discovery Protocol)
Check this check box if CDP is enabled in your network and you want the IP
camera to send CDP discovery messages.
Enable Bonjour (Cisco
Discovery Protocol)
Check this check box if Bonjour is enabled in your network and you want
the IP camera to send Bonjour discovery messages.
Bonjour enables the automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services
on and IP network.