Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Status Windows
output: Failed to set output port Port_Number. Provides information when you configure the
output ports on the IP camera.
output: Set output port Port_Number to high OK.
output: Set output port Port_Number to low OK.
output: Set output port Port_Number to pulse OK.
PTZ: Focus far. A user clicked the Focus Far button in the Home
PTZ: Focus near. A user clicked the Focus Near button in the Home
PTZ: Go to home. A user clicked the Move Camera Home button in
the Home window.
PTZ: Go to Preset Position_Number. Provides information when you pan or tilt the IP
camera or it move it to a preset position.
PTZ: Move down.
PTZ: Move left.
PTZ: Move right.
PTZ: Move up.
PTZ: Zoom in.
PTZ: Zoom out.
Sensor: Change from Day mode to Night mode. The IP camera switched from day mode to night
Sensor: Change from Night mode to Day mode. The IP camera switched from night mode to day
SSH: Invalid SSH login attempt. [ip: Address] A user attempted to log in to the IP camera through
SSH. Address is the IP address of the system that
was used.
SSH: SSH user logged in. [ip: Address] A user logged in to the IP camera through SSH.
Address is the IP address of the system that was
SSH: SSH user logged out. [ip: Address] A user logged out of the IP camera through SSH.
Address is the IP address of the system that was
Stream: HTTP stream started. [id: User, ip:
Provides information when a user accesses (HTTP
stream started) or exits (HTTP stream stopped) the
Home window.
User is the IP camera user name of the user.
Address is the IP address of the PC that was used.
Stream: HTTP stream stopped. [id: User, ip:
Table 3-26 Syslog and Log Information (continued)
Message Explanation