Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Release 1.1
Chapter 4 Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Release 1.1.2
How to Install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express
Step 1 The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express system displays the Welcome page with an introductory
message informing you that there are a few more steps to take before your system is ready to use. Click
Step 2 The Network Setup page appears. Enter values in the following fields. All fields are required except for
the Secondary DNS Information field:
• DNS Information:
Domain Name
• Ethernet Port 1 (device eth0): use for HTTP & VOICE access:
Host Name
IP Address
Subnet Mask
• Ethernet Port 2 (device eth1): use for RTMP (web conferencing) access:
Host Name
IP Address
Subnet Mask
• Auto Negotiation
• Speed (Full Duplex)
• Mail Server
See the “Worksheet 2-2: Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Installation Parameters for Release 1.1.2”
section on page 2-7 for information about these parameters.
Step 3 Click Next.
Step 4 On the Timezone page, set the Time zone for the system by following these steps:
a. Scroll through the list of time zones.
b. Select the time zone that best represents where the system resides.
c. Ensure that the checkbox next to System clock uses UTC is checked.
d. Click Next.
Step 5 On the Date and Time page, set the date and time for the system by following these steps:
a. In the Date box, select today’s date. Click the left and right arrows to move to a different month or
b. In the Time box, set the hour, minute, and second to the current time.
c. (Optional) Enable NTP (Network Time Protocol). This lets your computer synchronize its clock
with a remote time server using NTP. Check the box next to this option to enable NTP.