Cisco NetFlow Collector User Guide
Chapter 2 Using the NetFlow Collector User Interface
Sum with Sampling Estimation
The Sum with Sampling Estimation value builder obtains an integer value from a field in a flow,
multiplies by the sampling rate in effect, and adds the estimate to a count. If not used with V9 export,
the value is not scaled because the sampling rate is not known. It has the following attributes.
Aggregation Schemes
Aggregation schemes define the set of keys and values used for aggregation and that appear in the Cisco
NetFlow Collector output files. Clicking on the Aggregation Schemes folder of the navigation tree
displays a table of all existing aggregation schemes, as shown in Figure 2-13. Click on the appropriate
link to modify or remove an aggregation scheme. Click on Add Aggregation Scheme to bring up an
empty form for defining a new aggregation scheme.
Figure 2-13 Aggregation Schemes
The Add Aggregation Scheme and Modify Aggregation Schemein windows, as shown in Figure 2-14,
are identical with the exception that you cannot change the Aggregation Scheme ID on the Modify
Aggregation Scheme window. Use this form to select key and value fields and click Add or Modify
respectively to complete the operation. From the Modify Aggregation Scheme window you can also
remove the currently displayed aggregation scheme.
Attribute Description
Name Column name in output.
Field ID of the integer field to obtain from a flow.
Sampling Interval Builder ID Always use the default value.
Allow null value If not selected and the flow does not contain the
specified field, an error is logged.