Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests
Deploying Service Requests
Table 11-2, “User Operations on ISC Service Requests,” describes user operations and their impact on
ISC service requests.
Pending A service request moves to Pending when the Provisioning Driver
determines that the request looks consistent and was able to generate the
required configuration updates for this request. Pending indicates that the
service request has generated the configuration updates and the
configuration updates are successfully downloaded to the routers.
The Auditor regards pending service requests as new requests and begins the
audit. If the service has been freshly provisioned and not yet audited, it is not
an error (pending audit). However, if an audit is performed and the service is
still pending, it is in an error state.
Requested If the service is newly entered and not yet deployed, it is not an error.
However, if a Deploy is done and it remains Requested, the service is in an
error state.
Wait Deploy This service request state pertains only when downloading configlets to a
server running Cisco Configuration Engine. Wait Deploy indicates that the
configlet has been generated, but it has not been downloaded to the Cisco
Configuration Engine server because the device is not currently online. The
configlet is staged in the repository until such time as the Cisco
Configuration Engine server notifies ISC that it is up. Configlets in the
Deploy state are then downloaded to the Cisco Configuration Engine
Table 11-1 Summary of Cisco IP Solution Center Service Request States (continued)
Service Request Type Description
Table 11-2 User Operations on ISC Service Requests
User Operations Description
Decommission This user operation removes the service from all devices in the service
Force Deploy This user operation allows you to Deploy a service request from any state
except Closed. This is equivalent to restarting the state diagram. The service
request can move from its current state to any other possible state. However,
it does not move to the Requested state.
Force Purge This user operation removes a service request from the database irrespective
of its state. If you Force Purge a service request from the ISC repository
before first decommissioning the service request, the service remains
running on the network (specifically, the configuration remains on the
devices on which the service was provisioned), but all record of the service
request that created the service is removed from ISC.
Purged When a service request is Purged, it is removed from the ISC database.