Cisco ONS 15600 Reference Manual, R7.2
Chapter 7 Circuits and Tunnels
7.15 Reconfigured Circuits
Circuits types must be a compatible.
Circuit directions must be compatible. You can merge a one-way and a two-way circuit, but not two
one-way circuits in opposing directions.
Circuit sizes must be identical.
Circuit end points must send or receive the same framing format.
The merged circuits must become a DISCOVERED circuit.
If all connections from the master circuit and all connections from the merged circuits align to form one
complete circuit, the merge is successful. If all connections from the master circuit and some, but not
all, connections from the other circuits align to form a single complete circuit, CTC notifies you and
gives you the chance to cancel the merge process. If you choose to continue, the aligned connections
merge successfully into the master circuit, and unaligned connections remain in the original circuits. All
connections in the completed master circuit use the original master circuit name.
All connections from the master circuit and at least one connection from the other selected circuits must
be used in the resulting circuit for the merge to succeed. If a merge fails, the master circuit and all other
circuits remain unchanged. When the circuit merge completes successfully, the resulting circuit retains
the name of the master circuit.
7.15 Reconfigured Circuits
You can reconfigure multiple circuits, which is typically necessary when a large number of circuits are
in the PARTIAL status. When you reconfigure multiple circuits, the selected circuits can be any
combination of DISCOVERED, PARTIAL, DISCOVERED_TL1, and PARTIAL_TL1 circuits. You
can reconfigure tunnels, CTC-created circuits, and TL1-created circuits. The Reconfigure command
maintains the names of the original cross-connects.
Use the CTC Tools > Circuits > Reconfigure Circuits command to reconfigure selected circuits. During
reconfiguration, CTC reassembles all connections of the selected circuits into circuits based on path size,
direction, and alignment. Some circuits might merge and others might split into multiple circuits. If the
resulting circuit is a valid circuit, it appears as a DISCOVERED circuit. Otherwise, the circuit appears
as a PARTIAL or PARTIAL_TL1 circuit.
PARTIAL tunnel circuits do not split into multiple circuits during reconfiguration.
7.16 Server Trails
A server trail is a non-DCC link across a third-party network that connects two CTC network domains.
A server trail allows circuit provisioning when no DCC is available. You can create server trails between
any two optical or DS-3 ports. The end ports of a server trail can be different types. Server trails are not
allowed on DCC-enabled ports.
The server trail link is bidirectional and can be VT1.5, VT2, STS1, STS-3c, or STS-12c; you cannot
upgrade an existing server trail to another size. A server trail link can be one of the following protection
types: Preemptible, Unprotected, and Fully Protected. The server trail protection type determines the
protection type for any circuits that traverse it. PCA circuits will use server trails with the Preemptible