Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Appendix E Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
Creating a Cisco Secure ACS Database Dump File
Creating a Cisco Secure ACS Database Dump File
You can use the -d option to dump all the contents of the CiscoSecure user
database into a text file. In addition to providing a thorough, eye-readable, and
compressible backup of all Cisco Secure ACS internal data, a database dump can
also be useful for the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) during
Using the -l option, you can reload the Cisco Secure ACS internal data from a
dump file created by the -d option. For more information about the -l option, see
the “Loading the Cisco Secure ACS Database from a Dump File” section on
page E-10.
Note Using the -d option requires that you stop the CSAuth service. While CSAuth
is stopped, no users are authenticated.
To dump all Cisco Secure ACS internal data into a text file, follow these steps:
Step 1 On the Cisco Secure ACS server, open an MS DOS command prompt and change
directories to the directory containing CSUtil.exe. For more information about the
location of CSUtil.exe, see the “Location of CSUtil.exe and Related Files” section
on page E-2.
Step 2 If the CSAuth service is running, type:
net stop csauth
and press Enter.
Result: The CSAuth service stops.
Step 3 Type:
CSUtil.exe -d
Press Enter.
Result: CSUtil.exe displays a confirmation prompt.