Cisco UCS C210 Server Installation and Service Guide
Ta b l e 3-2 Rear Panel LEDs
LED Name State
Power supply fault • Off—No AC power is present in any power supplies.
• Green—This power supply is operating properly in main power
• Green, blinking—This power supply is operating properly in
standby power mode.
• Amber, blinking—There is no AC power present in this power
• Amber and Green, blinking—This power supply has reached a
Warning over-temperature condition: 176 °F (80 °C). The power
supply auto-recovers from this condition when the temperature is
within specification again: 167 °F (75 °C)
• Amber—This power supply has failed. This could be because the
power supply has reached a Critical Shutdown over-temperature
condition: 194 °F (90 °C). The power supply auto-recovers from
this condition when the temperature is within specification again:
167 °F (75 °C).
See the “Connecting and Powering On the Server (Standalone Mode)”
section on page 2-9 for definitions of these power modes.
Locator • Off—The Locator LED is not in use.
• Blue, flashing—The Locator LED/button on the front panel was
pressed and the Locator LED flashes on the front and rear panels
to help you find the server in a rack.
Note The 10/100 Ethernet link status LED and the speed LED must be read in
combination for the following interpretations.
10/100 Ethernet link status
10/100 Ethernet speed
• Right off + left off—No link is present on this port.
(Also indicates a connected switch port that is set to 1000 Mbps.)
• Right off + left green—Half-duplex, 10-Mbps link is present.
• Right green + left blinking green—Half-duplex, 100-Mbps link.
• Right off + left blinking green—Full-duplex, 10-Mbps link.
• Right green + left blinking green—Full-duplex, 100-Mbps link.