Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
show call fallback cache
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
show call fallback cache
To see the current Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (ICPIF) estimates for all IP addresses in cache,
use the show call fallback cache command in EXEC mode.
show call fallback cache [ip-address]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command is not configured by default.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To clear all entries in the cache, use the clear call fallback cache command.
Examples The following example displays output from the show call fallback cache command:
Router# show call fallback cache
Probe IP Address Codec Delay Loss ICPIF Reject Accept
----- ---------- ----- ----- ---- ----- ------ ------
1 g729r8 40 00 0 9
2 g729r8 14810 5 1 4
2 active probes
Field Description
------- ------------
Probe Probe number
IP Address IP Address to which the probe is sent
Codec Codec Type of the probe
Delay Delay in milliseconds that the probe incurred
Loss Loss in % that the probe incurred
ICPIF Computed ICPIF value for the probe
Reject Number of times that calls of Codec Type <Codec>
were rejected to the IP Address
Accept Number of times that calls of Codec Type <Codec>
were accepted to the IP Address
active probes Number of destinations being probed
ip-address (Optional) Specifies a specific IP address.
Release Modification
12.1(3)T This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and
Cisco 3600 series routers and on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice