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Proximity FAQ
53) When using the Proximity App, my iPhone®
battery seems to drain more quickly.
Many applications draw power at varying rates.
Turn o applications that are not being used.
54) Why do I have to enter my e-mail information
to the App? I already have it set up in the Apple®
e-mail or other e-mail client.
e Proximity App cannot interface with the
built-in iPhone® e-mail client or any third party
e-mail clients. It requires its own communication
with your e-mail account.
55) Can I change the tone played when I use iPhone®
search with my compatible iPhone®?
No, this cannot be changed.
56) How do I pair my Proximity watch with App v20
and my compatible iPhone®?
On your compatible iPhone®, rst be sure your
Bluetooth® radio is set to ‘ON’.
Open the Proximity App, Turn SCAN to ‘ON’.
Now, on your Proximity Watch, pull the crown
out one ‘click’, rotate the crown to move the mode
hand located at the 6:00 sub dial to the ‘PR’ mode.
Push the crown in one ‘click’. e pairing process
Aer a brief period, a pairing request will appear
on your iPhone®. Tap on ‘Pair’. It may take up to 30
seconds to connect.
Upon successful pairing, the hand located at
the 2:00 sub dial will rotate to show between 1:00
and 3:00, the second hand will return to normal
operation and your iPhone® screen will return to
normal brightness.
Your Proximity watch is now paired with your
ese steps are outlined in the built in App Help
feature as well as the full setting instructions.
51) e notication vibration on my Proximity
watch is too light. Can I make this stronger?
e vibration cannot be made any stronger. is is
designed to be a discrete notication.
52) Does the watch have an audible tone in addition
to the vibration when I receive an alert?
ere is no tone that is played either from the watch
or iPhone upon a notication alert.
50) I do not get calendar notications. Be sure you have this option set ‘ON’ in the
Proximity App and that you have an active calendar
event with an alert set.