46 Client for Macintosh Administrator’s Guide
The maximum window size is determined by the server.
• Choose the window color depth to display.
4. Click Save.
To specify the window properties for a particular
1. In the ICA Client Editor, open the connection file you want to edit.
2. From the Window tab, clear Use Default and enter your own settings:
• For window size, use the size list to choose a preconfigured window
size, choose Full Screen mode, or choose Custom and type your
own window size. Choose Seamless to display applications in a fully
resizable window
• Choose the window color depth to display.
3. Click Save.
Showing and Hiding the Menu Bar and Dock
If your ICA session is running in Full Screen mode, the Macintosh menu bar and
Dock might be hidden.
To display the Macintosh menu bar, press Control-Option. The same key
combination also hides it again.
Note: If you are not in Full Screen mode, and your window size enables you to
see the entire remote desktop, you can use Control-Option to show a standard
Macintosh resize control in the bottom right corner of the ICA session window.
The same key combination hides the resize box again.
If the window size is too small to show the entire remote desktop, you must use
the scroll bars to see the hidden content of the desktop.
To display both the complete window and the Macintosh menu bar, in the client
File menu, click Best Window Position.
You can also configure the client so that it will show the menu bar and Dock only
when you move your mouse to the top of the screen or to the edge where the
Dock is located.