à To perform an unattended installation or upgrade
1. Insert the MetaFrame CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of the Terminal Server
computer, or insert the MetaFrame CD-ROM in a CD-ROM drive accessible
over the network. If your CD-ROM drive supports Autorun, the MetaFrame
CD-ROM start window automatically appears. Close the start window.
2. Choose Run from the Start menu and type
d:\i386\setup /u[:answer_filename]
where d is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive and answer_filename is the
name of the optional answer file.
3. Read the MetaFrame server license and click OK if you agree to the terms.
There are four sections in the MetaFrame answer file. Each section is enclosed in
square brackets.
The License Serial Numbers section. This section contains the Citrix
MetaFrame base license and server extension license serial numbers with an
appended equal sign (=). Enter the license numbers exactly as they appear on
the serial number sticker provided with your software. You can specify
multiple licenses in the answer file. The licenses are added in the order they are
listed in the answer file.
You must list your base license first.
u The ICA Network Protocols section. This section specifies if ICA
connections are to be configured for the specified protocols (TCP/IP, IPX, and
The options are:
TCP=yes | no
IPX=yes | no
NETBIOS=yes | no
u The Drive Reassignment section. This section specifies if the drive letters on
the MetaFrame server are to be reassigned, and if yes, what the new drive letter
for the server drive C is to be.
ReassignDriveLetters=yes | no
The Options section. This section contains additional options for unattended
setup. The reboot option specifies MetaFrame Setup shuts down and restarts
the server machine after setup completes.
RebootOnFinish=yes | no