Chapter 2 Installing and Licensing MetaFrame Presentation Server Components 47
6. Accept defaults on the following dialog boxes:
• On Identify Citrix License Server dialog box, verify selection of Use the
global farm settings for the license server, then click Next.
• On the Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server for Windows warning,
confirm the use of farm settings, by clicking Yes.
• Accept the defaults on the Configure Shadowing and Configure Citrix XML
Service Port dialog boxes, by clicking Next twice.
7. On the Add users to Remote Desktop Users group dialog box:
• Verify the selection of Add the list of users from the Users group now.
• Deselect Add Anonymous users also.
• Click Next.
8. On the Review Your Selections dialog box, verify information, then
click Finish.
Finish your installation by completing the steps that follow.
To finish your installation
1. On the Installer Information warning, click Ye s.
2. On the Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server for Windows Setup dialog box,
deselect View the Readme file, then click Close.
3. On the Installation Summary dialog box, click Finish.
4. Restart your server.
You now have a server farm, DemoFarm, which consists of two servers you can
manage through the Presentation Server Management Console installed on your
primary server.
The next section describes how to install Program Neighborhood Agent on your
client computer, which enables access to applications published in your server farm.