
The Menu System
Your CP-500 includes a versatile LCD touchscreen which supports both an
attractive information display and a flexible menu system. While its use is quite
intuitive, it is also quite extensive. This section of the owner’s manual outlines
the many capabilities found in the menu system.
operational menu
The operational menu provides easy access to the most basic functions of the
input selection and tape monitor. It also provides both a numeric
and a graphic depiction of the current volume
input selection Pressing any of the input buttons on the touchscreen will switch to the
appropriate input. You may have as many as three
line inputs (meaning single-
ended connections using RCA connectors) and two bal inputs (balanced
connections using XLR connectors). If you do not have this many sources in
your system, you can elect to deactivate the unused inputs. Doing so removes
their associated buttons from the touchscreen, reducing confusion for occasional
users of the system.
tape loop In addition, the CP-500 has a dedicated tape loop for use with sources that can
both record and play back, bringing the total number of sources you can connect
to the CP-500 to six (four single-ended and two balanced).
When you touch the
tape button to highlight it, you will notice that the
previously selected input remains highlighted. Whenever any input is selected
for listening, it is also selected for possible recording; a copy of its signal is sent
to the recording device connected to the tape output. You may record it or not as
you please.
When you select the
tape button, you are asking the CP-500 to continue with
this recording feed (whether or not it is being used), while switching to monitor
the output of the tape deck (or CD recorder, or whatever else you might have
connected to the record loop). In this way, you can monitor the result of your
recording while you are making it, in real time. (This assumes that your recording
device supports this capability, as do three-head tape decks.)