Anti Hi-Jack
Active Anti Hi-Jack
When Active Anti Hi-Jack is selected it must be activated by the transmitter each time it is needed.
1. While the ignition is ON, scroll to vehicle menu 1 and select CAR JACKING or press simultaneously
press START and UNLOCK for 5 seconds.
2. If the vehicle’s door is opened and closed while the ignition is ON, anti hi-jack will be triggered.
Passive Anti Hi-Jack
When Passive Anti Hi-Jack is selected it is activated each time the ignition is turned on.
1. Turn the ignition ON.
2. If the vehicle’s door is opened and closed while the ignition is ON, anti hi-jack will be triggered.
Anti Hi-Jack Trigger Sequence
1. 50 seconds after the anti hi-jack has been triggered the siren will chirp for 15 seconds.
2. During this 15 second period of chirping pushing the valet button 1 time will cancel anti hi-jack.
3. After 65 seconds the siren and parking lights go into alarm mode.
4. After 90 seconds the starterkill will activate to prevent the vehicle from be re-started if it is shut off, hi-
jack mode will remain active untill the vehicle’s battery power is drained.
Anti Hi-Jack Override
Turn the ignition from OFF to ON and within 10 seconds push the emergency override button. Note that
if you are using the coded override method you will need to enter the pin number at this time.
Anti Hi-Jack Mode
Quick Reference Operation Guide
Vehicle horn/siren chirps and parking light flashes.
System LED light flashes.
LED Function LED Function
Off Disarmed 1 flash...
Zone 1 / Trigger on Hood
Armed 2 flashes...
Zone 2 / Trigger on Trunk
Passive Arming 3 flashes...
Zone 3 / Trigger on Door
On (Solid) Valet Mode 4 flashes...
Zone 4 / Trigger on Shock
5 flashes...
Zone 5 / Trigger on Ignition
6 flashes...
Zone 6 / Trigger on Optional
Chirp Function Parking light Function
1 chirp Arm 1 flash Arm
2 chirps Disarm 2 flashes Disarm
3 chirps Door Ajar Warning 3 flashes Disarm / Triggered
4 chirps Disarm / Triggered 5 flashes Car Locator
5 chirps Car Locator Constant On Under Remote Start