Reference Guide 7-13
Writer: Your Name Saved By: ACastle Saved Date: 07/17/97 3:44 PM
Pages: 20 Words: 3189 Template: c:\msoffice\templates\comm.dot
File Name Ch7.doc Part Number 278019-002
Contacting Compaq
Customer Support
For help and service outside of the U.S. and Canada, contact
your Compaq authorized reseller or dealer. For a list of phone
numbers, see the “Worldwide Telephone Numbers” table.
If you take your computer to a Compaq authorized
reseller, dealer, or service provider for service, remember
to provide the setup and power-on passwords, if they are
Telephone Numbers
Locate your geographical area from the following table and use
one of the telephone numbers for Compaq assistance.
General Information Numbers
Product information,
technical assistance, and the location of your nearest Compaq
authorized dealer, reseller, or service provider.
Technical Support Numbers
Hardware technical support in
analyzing system configuration and diagnostic problems or
Customer Support Numbers
Information on service and
support programs including warranty, product catalogs, and
white papers.
PaqFax Numbers
Automatic facsimile response system for
technical and product specific information that is transmitted to
any fax machine. PaqFax is available 24 hours a day.
Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice.