Computer is beeping and Computer has Immediately save any open
battery indicator is entered a low file(s). Then do any one
flashing. battery condition. of the following:
o Connect the computer to
an external power source,
then charge the battery
o Replace the battery pack
with a fully charged
battery pack.
o Initiate Hibernation
(press the Fn key and
power button
simultaneously) to
completely halt the power
consumption on the
battery pack, or initiate
Standby by pressing the
power button once to
reduce power consumption
until the battery pack
can be recharged or
another power source can
be connected.
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Computer turned off System initiated Install a fully charged
while left unattended. Hibernation due battery pack or connect the
Power indicator is to a low battery computer to an external
off. condition. power source, then turn on
the computer.
System initiated Turn on the computer.
according to Power
The computer has no Power switch not 1. Determine if the power
power at all when the functioning. switch is functioning by
power switch is removing the battery
activated. All and connecting the AC
indicators are off. If power cord to the unit.
the other indicators 2. Replace the keyboard
come on for any period assembly.
of time (even for a ------------------------------------------------
momentary flash), this Defective keyboard Install a new keyboard
is not a "no power" assembly. assembly.
Unit powers up from AC Battery not Charge the battery fully.
power, but not from the charged.
Defective battery. Install another battery.