. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2-10 Troubleshooting
11. Look up the Computer Checkup error codes that were displayed by referring to
"Computer Checkup (TEST) Error Codes" and take the recommended action.
12. Rerun POST and Computer Checkup, taking the recommended actions in given
order until the problem is solved and no error messages occur.
Computer Checkup (TEST) Error Codes
Rerun Computer Checkup each time you complete a recommended action
step. If the problem is resolved when POST and Computer Checkup are rerun (i.e., with
no error codes) do not perform the remaining recommended action steps.
Computer Checkup (TEST) error codes occur if the system recognizes a problem while
running Computer Checkup. These error codes help identify possible defective
assemblies. Tables 2-4 through 2-14 list Computer Checkup error codes, a description
of the error condition, and the recommended action for resolving the condition. For
removal and replacement procedures for the computer, refer to Chapter 7. For removal
and replacement procedures for the convenience base, refer to Chapter 8.
The error codes in the following tables are listed in an AYE-XX format, where:
A or AA = Number that represents the faulty assembly.
Y = Test or action that failed.
XX = Specific problem.
2.5.3 View System Information (INSPECT)
The View System Information (INSPECT) utility provides information about the
computer and installed or connected devices. You can display, print, or save the
Follow these steps to run INSPECT from the hard drive:
1. Turn on the external devices that you want to test. Connect the printer if you want to
print the information.
2. Turn on or restart the computer.
2. Press F10 when the prompt appears in the right side of the display. The Compaq
Utilities screen appears.
4. Select View System Information (INSPECT) from the Diagnostics menu.
5. Select the item you want to view from the following list:
System Memory
ROM Audio
Keyboard Operating system
System ports System files
System storage Windows files
Graphics Miscellaneous