. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2-6 Troubleshooting
Table 2-2
Fatal Error Messages
Message Description Beep Code
CMOS RAM test failed A walking bit test of CMOS RAM location 0E (Hex) -
3F (Hex) failed.
DMA controller faulty A sequential read/write of the transfer count and
transfer address registers within the primary and
secondary DMA controllers failed.
Faulty DMA page registers A walking bit read/write of the 16 DMA controller
page registers starting at location 80 Hex failed.
Faulty refresh circuits A continuous read/write test of port 61h found that
bit 4 (Refresh Detect) failed to toggle within an
allotted amount of time.
Interrupt controller failed A sequential read/write of various Interrupt
Controller registers failed.
ROM checksum incorrect A checksum of the ROM BIOS does not match the
byte value at F000:FFFF.
RAM error at location xxxx RAM error occurred during memory test. None
Parity error at unknown location Parity error occurred. None
The following table lists some of the Fatal Error beep codes, along with the beep
sequence (short, long, pause) and the meaning of the beeps.
Table 2-3
Fatal Error Beep Codes
Beep Code Beep Sequence Explanation Remedy
0 S-S-S-P-S-S-L-P The DMA page registers are
Replace system board.
1 S-S-S-P-S-L-S-P The refresh circuitry is faulty. Replace system board.
2 S-S-S-P-S-L-L-P The ROM checksum is incorrect. 1. Flash the ROM.
2.Replace system board.
3 S-S-S-P-L-S-S-P The CMOS RAM test failed. Replace system board.
4 S-S-S-P-L-S-L-P The DMA controller is faulty. Replace system board.
5 S-S-S-P-L-L-S-P The interrupt controller failed. Replace system board.
6 S-S-S-P-L-L-L-P The keyboard controller failed. Replace system board.
7 S-S-L-P-S-S-S-P Graphics adapter is faulty. Replace system board.
8 S-S-L-P-S-S-L-P Internal RAM is faulty. Replace processor board.
S = Short, L = Long, P = Pause