Keyboard 2. Replace system board.
Error or Text
303 - None System board Replace the system board.
Keyboard keyboard
Controller controller
304 - Keyboard None Keyboard 1. Check external keyboard.
or System Unit 2. Replace system board.
401 - Printer None Printer Replace the system board, if
Error controller applicable.
402 - 1 Long, Monochrome Replace the monochrome
Monochrome 2 Short display display controller.
Adapter controller
501 - Display 1 Long, Video display Replace the display panel.
Adapter 2 Short controller
601 - Diskette None Diskette 1. Make sure diskette drive
Controller controller cable is seated.
Error circuitry 2. Replace the diskette
drive cable.
3. Replace the diskette
4. Replace the system board.
602 - Diskette None Diskette in drive 1. Replace the diskette.
Boot A not bootable 2. Replace the diskette
3. Replace the system board.
Message Beeps Probable Cause Recommended Action
605 - Diskette 2 Short Mismatch in drive Run Computer Setup.
Drive Error type
702 - None Coprocessor 1. Replace the processor
Coprocessor upgrade.
Detection 2. Replace the system board.
702A - 2 Short Coprocessor 1. Replace the processor
Coprocessor upgrade.
Detection 2. Replace the system board.
703 - CMOS 2 Short Coprocessor or 1. Run the Configuration
Reports A configuration utility.
Coprocessor error 2. Replace the processor
That Has Not upgrade.