Diskette drive Diskette is damaged. Run CHKDSK on the diskette.
indicator stays on. At the system prompt, type:
Software program is Check the program
damaged. diskettes.
Diskette drive cannot Diskette is Disable the diskette's
write to a diskette. write-protected. write-protect feature or
use a diskette that is not
Computer is writing Check the drive letter in
to the wrong drive. the path statement.
Drive error has Run Computer Checkup.
Diskette is not Format the diskette.
Diskette drive cannot The wrong type of Use the type of diskette
read a diskette. diskette is being required by the drive.
Diskette has a bad Copy files to hard drive or
sector. another diskette. Reformat
bad diskette.
Drive error has Run Computer Checkup.
Diskette is not Format the diskette.
Table 5-19. Solving Hard Drive Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Reading hard drive System entered Give the system time to
takes an unusually Hibernation due to restore the previously
long time after low battery condition saved data to its exact
restarting the and is now exiting state before Hibernation.
computer. from it.
Hard drive error Hard drive has bad Run Computer Checkup.
occurs. sectors or has
Hard drive does not Hard drive is not Turn off and unplug the
work. seated properly. computer, remove the
battery pack, and remove
and then reinsert the hard
Hard drive was Turn off computer then turn
removed and replaced it on again. Before
while computer was removing the hard drive,