Compaq Evo Desktop D300/300s
DA-10948 North America — Version 13 — May 9, 2002 20
Technical Specifications – Graphics
Form factor Half-size ATXNVIDIA Vanta16-MB AGP Graphics
Bus type AGP 4X
Memory support 16-MB SDRAM (64-bit frame buffer interface)
Memory clock 125 MHz
Internal clock 100 MHz
Data path 64-bit
Process 0.22µ
Pipelines 2 (bilinear)
Fill rate 200 M pixels per second
Triangle rate 8 M triangles per second
Video overlay filter 2 x 2
MPEG support (software) CSC IDCT
Color space conversion Yes
Scaling Yes
Quick draw support Yes
DCI and Microsoft DirectX video
Microsoft DirectX support Yes
3-D support Yes
Engine acceleration Basic video color conversion and scaling
100% hardware triangle setup engine
Dual monitor support With additional PCI controller only
OS support Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft
Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows Me
Other Optimized for Direct3D acceleration with support for Microsoft
DirectX 5.0 and 6.0
128-bit TwiN-Texel (TNT) architecture
Two texture-mapped, lit pixels per clock
Single pass multi-texture rendering
32-bit rendering with destination alpha
24-bit Z-buffer, 8-bit stencil buffer
Anisotropic filtering (superior to trilinear MIP-mapping)
High-performance, 128-bit 2-D/GUI/DirectDraw acceleration
Transparent BLT, stretch BLT, points, lines, polylines, polygons, fills,
patterns, arbitrary clipping and fast text rendering; pipeline optimized
for multiple color depths including 8, 16, and 24 bits per pixel
Video acceleration for DirectShow, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and Intel
Fast 32-bit VGA/SVGA
Triple 8-bit, 250-MHz palette DAC
Resolutions Supported Colors Real-Time 3-D
Gouraud Shading
Refresh Rates
1920 x 1200 256, 65K, 16.7M 256, 65K 60 to 75 Hz depending on color depth
1920 x 1080 256, 65K, 16.7M 256 60 to 85 Hz depending on color depth
1600 x 1200 256, 65K, 16.7M 256
60 to 85 Hz depending on OS and color
1280 x 1024 256, 65K, 16.7M 256, 65K 60 to 100 Hz
1152 x 864 256, 65K, 16.7M 256, 65K 60 to 85 Hz depending on color depth
1024 x 768 256, 65K, 16.7M 256, 65K, 16.7M 60 to 85 Hz
800 x 600 256, 65K, 16.7M 256, 65K, 16.7M 60 to 85 Hz
640 x 480 256, 65K, 16.7M 256, 65K, 16.7M 60 to 85 Hz