Compaq Deskpro 2000 Series of Personal Computers 1-23
Table 1-9
Keyboard Features and Functions
Ref. Key Function
1 Esc Often assigned a specific task by the application. Frequently used as an exit key (for
quitting an application), for moving back one screen, or for canceling a command.
2 Main Typewriter Keypad Provides the same keys in generally the same relative position as a standard
typewriter keyboard.
3 F1 - F12 Used for specific effects in applications and operating systems. Refer to the
application software documentation.
4 Backspace Moves the cursor left and deletes characters as it moves to the left.
5 Print Scrn Depending on the software in use, prints the displayed screen to a printer. Using this
key will not necessarily print the entire file.
6 Scroll Lock When the Scroll Lock light is on, it prevents the screen from scrolling in some
spreadsheet applications.
7 Pause Temporarily suspends screen scrolling or some operations.
8 Num Lock Light When the Num Lock light is on, the numeric keypad is activated and the arrow keys
are deactivated. (The arrow keys to the left of the keypad perform the same functions
as the arrow keys on the keypad.)
9 Caps Lock Light When the Caps Lock light is on, all letters typed are capitalized.
: Scroll Lock Light When the Scroll Lock light is on, the display will advance a line at a time.
; Ctrl Used in combination with another key, its effect depends on the software application
you are using.
< Windows Logo Keys Opens the Windows Start menu. Used in combination with another key, its effect
depends on the software application you are using.
= Alt Used in combination with another key, its effect depends on the software application
you are using.
> Space Bar Advances the cursor one character space at a time.
? Windows Application Key Opens a context menu for the software program you are using.
@ Editing Keys Insert, Delete, Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down. Pressing the key will perform
the stated function.
A Arrow Keys Pressing the left or right arrow keys will move the cursor one character space at a
time in the direction shown. Pressing the up or down arrow key will move the cursor
up or down one line at a time.
B Numeric Keypad These keys act as they do on a calculator style keypad.
;+=+@ Ctrl+Alt+Delete Holding down Ctrl and Alt while pressing Delete restarts the computer.