16 DA-10051-00A-008 — 02.28.2000
Compaq AlphaServer GS140
Step 16 −
−Expansion: System Cabinet and I/O Expansion Cabinet −
System Cabinet
• Expanded Base System Cabinet includes two 3-phase power regulators with space for one additional 3-phase
power regulator. System cabinets shipped after June 1996 (H9F00-FC/FD/FE Rev B03 or later) include the
H7263-AC/AD non-battery backup ready power regulator.
• Maximum four I/O channels per cabinet; PCI Plug-in Units require one I/O channel connection
• Four lower expansion bays are available for Plug-in Units; the lower bays accommodate Plug-in Units as
- Disk Plug-in Unit (BA670-AA/AB), maximum of four, front or rear expansion bay
- Battery Plug-in Unit (H7237-AA/AC/CA/CB), maximum of one, front or rear expansion bay
- PCI Plug-in Unit (DWLPB-AA), maximum of two, rear expansion bay only
I/O Expansion Cabinet
• I/O expansion cabinet includes one 3-phase power regulator, and provides space for two additional 3-phase
power regulators
• H9F00-JC/JD/JE Rev C03 or later cabinets include H7263-AC or H7263-AD non-BBU capable power regulator
• I/O Expansion cabinet can be configured to hold all disk Plug-in Units or combination of disk Plug-in Units and
PCI Plug-in Units
• Six expansion bays – two upper and four lower – are available for Plug-in Units; the two upper bays
accommodate a maximum of two disk Plug-in Units; the four lower bays accommodate Plug-in Units as
- Upper bay – Disk Plug-in Unit (BA670-AA/AB, maximum two, front or rear expansion bay
- Lower bay – Disk Plug-in Unit (BA670-AA/AB), maximum four, front or rear expansion bay
- Lower bay – PCI Plug-in Unit (DWLPB-AB), maximum two, rear expansion bay only
- Lower bay – Battery Plug-in Unit (H7237-AA/AC/ CA/CB), maximum one, front or rear expansion bay
I/O expansion cabinet (top gun blue) 3-phase power, maximum two per system;
JC = 60 Hz, 208V, JD = 50 Hz, 380/416V, JE = 50/60 Hz, 202V
PCI Plug-in Unit for GS140 and 8400 I/O expansion cabinet only, maximum two per cabinet;
maximum six DWLPB-AA and DWLPB-AB (PCI PIU) per system; requires one I/O channel
connection on KFTHA-AA
Second PCI expansion box for mounting in DWLPB-AB, maximum one per DWLPB-AB; requires
one I/O channel connection on KFTHA-AA
Step 17 −
−Power Expansion Components −
• System Cabinet and I/O Expansion Cabinets must be same type, either 3-phase or single-phase; mixing of 3-
phase and single-phase cabinets in same system configuration is not supported
• Determine the need for adding third power regulator by filling in the EPU Power Configuration Table
• Power Configuration Table provides a manual method for determining the need for a third power regulator.
Equivalent power unit (EPU) is an equivalent value of power used (48 VDC) by each option.
3-Phase Expansion Components
• Select additional H7263-AC/AD for expansion cabinets that do not require battery backup option: If EPU value
of first regulator is exceeded, if N+1 redundancy is required, if third power regulator is required
• Select H7237-CA/CB for systems that require battery backup (factory installed). It includes battery Plug-in Unit,
one H7263-AA/AB power regulator, and batteries for battery backup/UPS capability. It must be ordered at
time of system purchase if BBU functionality is required. H7263-AA/AB mounts alongside the standard
H7263-AC/AD. It provides eight minutes per regulator.
• Select H7238-BA/BB for additional battery UPS (factory installed). Includes H7263-AA/AB and H7238-AA 4-
pack battery option for second and third regulator support
Battery option for I/O Expansion Cabinet, fully loaded battery cabinet supports three power regulators;
provides 16 minutes per regulator; maximum one per H9F00-BA/BB/BC expansion cabinet
Power Option for StorageWorks Shelves in StorageWorks Plug-in Units
• Provides N+1 power for BA670-AB, BA671-AA StorageWorks PIUs/shelves; occupies one slot in StorageWorks
48 VDC 150W Redundant Enhanced Power Supply for BA670-AB, BA671-AA, includes 48 VDC jumper
cable for connecting to first power supply in StorageWorks shelf.