expansion base when undocked configurations
running Windows 95. in Standard Floppy Disk
Controller Properties to
unload the protected mode
drivers and then restart
the computer.
Diskette drive icon Diskette is damaged. Run SCANDISK on the
stays on. diskette. At the system
prompt, enter SCANDISK A:
Diskette is incorrectly Remove diskette and
inserted. reinsert.
Software program is Check the program
damaged. diskettes.
Diskette drive Diskette is Disable the diskette's
cannot write to a write-protected. write-protect feature or
diskette. use a diskette that is
not write-protected.
Computer is writing to Check the drive letter in
the wrong drive. the path statement.
Not enough space is left Use another diskette.
on the diskette.
Drive error has Run Computer Checkup
occurred. from the Compaq
Diagnostics diskette.
Diskette is not Format the diskette. At
formatted. the system prompt, enter
Diskette drive The wrong type of Use the type of diskette
cannot read a diskette is being used. required by the drive.
Diskette has a bad Copy files to hard drive
sector. or another diskette.
Reformat bad floppy.
Drive error has Run Computer Checkup
occurred. from the Compaq
Diagnostics diskette.
Diskette is not Format the diskette. At
formatted. the system prompt, enter
Cannot boot from Bootable diskette is not Put the bootable diskette
diskette in drive A in drive A. If a
diskette drive is in the
computer MultiBay, that
that is drive A.
Diskette Boot is Run Computer Setup and
disabled in Computer enable Diskette Boot on