7. Follow the instructions on the screen to cycle through the screens, to
return to the list and choose another item, or to print the
Chapter 2.6 Diagnostic Error Codes
Diagnostic error codes occur if the system recognizes a problem while
running the Compaq Diagnostic program. These error codes help identify
possibly defective subassemblies.
Tables 2-4 through 2-16 list possible error codes, a description of the
error condition, and the action required to resolve the error condition.
IMPORTANT: Retest the system after completing each step. If the problem
has been resolved, do not proceed with the remaining steps.
For assistance in the removal and replacement of a particular subassembly,
see Chapter 5, "Removal and Replacement Procedures."
Table 2-4. Processor Test Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
101 - xx CPU test failed Replace the processor board and retest.
102 - xx Coprocessor or 1. Run the Configuration and
Weitek Error Diagnostics Utilities.
2. Replace the processor board and
103 - xx DMA page registers Replace the system board and retest.
test failed
104 - xx Interrupt controller
master test failed
105 - xx Port 61 error
106 - xx Keyboard controller
self-test failed
107 - xx CMOS RAM test
108 - xx CMOS interrupt test
109 - xx CMOS clock test