Setup. the Initialization menu.
Solving Hard Drive Problems
Some common causes and solutions for hard drive problems are listed in the
following table.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CAUTION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
To prevent loss of information, always maintain an up-to-date backup of
your hard drive at all times, in case of errors or failures.
Table 2-19. Solving Hard Drive Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Reading hard drive System entered Give the system time to
takes an unusually Hibernation due to restore the previously
long time after low-battery condition saved data to its exact
restarting the and is now exiting from state before Hibernation.
computer. it.
Hard drive error Hard drive has bad Run Computer Checkup from
occurs. sectors or has failed. the Compaq Diagnostics
See POST error messages.
Errors occur after Additional hard drive Boot from the original
booting from an does not have the LTE LTE 5000 hard drive or a
additional hard 5000 software. hard drive that has been
drive. prepared with the LTE
5000 software.
Computer does not Additional hard drive Verify that the
restart after does not have secondary additional drive has the
additional hard drive capability secondary-drive icon. See
drive is inserted. Appendix C.
Hard drive does not Hard drive is not seated Turn off the computer,
work. properly. remove and reinsert the
hard drive, then turn the
computer on.
Hard drive was removed Turn off computer; then
and replaced while turn it on again.
computer was on, in
Standby, or in
Hard drive is damaged. Replace the hard drive.
Hard drive cannot Screw has been inserted Remove the screw from
be removed. to secure drive in the bottom of the
computer bay. computer.