
B-4 Regulatory Notices
Writer: jhale Saved by: jabercrombie Saved date: 06/07/99 11:03 AM
Part Number: 204325-001 File name: Appb.doc
European Union Notice
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment with the CE marking
comply with Telecommunication Terminal Equipment and
Satellite Earth Station Equipment (TTE & SES) Directive
(98/13/EC), the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and the Low
Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) issued by the European
Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the
following European Norms or Regulations (in brackets are the
equivalent international standards and regulations):
EN55022 (CISPR 22) - Electromagnetic Interference
EN50082-1 (IEC801-2, IEC801-3, IEC801-4) -
Electromagnetic Immunity
EN60950 (IEC950) - Product Safety
CTR21 (ETSI TBR21) - Attachment requirements for
connection to the analogue PSTNs of terminal equipment
The equipment has been approved in accordance with Council
Decision 98/482/EC for pan-European single terminal connection
to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). However, due
to differences between the individual PSTNs provided in different
countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional
assurance of successful operation on every PSTN network
termination point. In the event of problems, you should contact
your equipment supplier in the first instance.
The equipment is designed to work with all EU telephone
networks. However, the equipment may have interworking
difficulties for some connections on the EU public networks.
Dialling by loop disconnect pulses is not intended to be used on
the PSTN. This feature is only supported in consideration of PBX
or other equipment which requires pulse dialling. Network
compatibility is dependent on software switch settings which are
set automatically by the country selection. The user should
contact the equipment supplier in case of difficulty in network